SmartWash Solutions® Announces Annual Food Safety Partner Recognition

SmartWash Solutions, a company founded on advancing process control systems to improve food safety and mitigate wash line cross-contamination, is highlighting food safety month by initiating the SmartWash Circle of Excellence to recognize top-performing US-based processing plants.
The SmartWash system includes conventional and organic wash enhancers, ASAP process control equipment to monitor and maintain optimum wash water chemistry, Process Pro Data Live (PPDL) technology to capture and report real-time data and ongoing support and training.
“We understand the emphasis our customers place on food safety, and wanted to develop a program that acknowledges and recognizes their commitment,” said Angela Nunez, Vice President of Technical Support. “Since we’re capturing data from each line every few seconds, we can calculate performance metrics and call further attention to food safety by recognizing plants that are performing exceptionally well.”
The food safety-based criteria for the Circle of Excellence includes consistent material flow and control through the ASAP equipment, along with proper machine initialization and shut down operations. “Produce plant employees work very hard to provide the world with fresh, top-quality produce, and teams at Circle of Excellence plants can take pride in knowing that when it comes to food safety, they are checking all the boxes,” added Steven Swarts, Director of Business Development.
Plant performance data will be collected from July 2020 through June 2021 and processing plants meeting the SmartWash Food Safety Circle of Excellence qualifiers will be celebrated during food safety month in September 2021.