SmartWash® Organic OMRI Listed

The Organic Materials Review Institute has announced the listing of SmartWash® Organic (SWº, sma-2965), indicating compliance with the OMRI Policy and Standards Manual, based on the USDA National Organic Program Rule (7 CFR Part 205). In obtaining the coveted OMRI® Listing, SmartWash® Organic successfully completed a rigorous review to ensure compliance with USDA organic standards.
SmartWash® Organic is a revolutionary food wash that, when applied to standard chlorine-based wash systems, enhances and optimizes the effectiveness of the wash process to ensure the consistent removal of microbial contaminants and eliminates cross contamination. Formulated with 100% GRAS (generally recognized as safe) ingredients, SmartWash® Organic is specifically designed for organically grown produce.
SWº will be OMRI listed as, “Allowed for use in the Generic Material Listing: Lactic Acid, Class: Processing Non-agricultural Ingredients and Processing Aids.”